BYOP:  Build Your Own Package

Bet you’re tired of ‘trail-mix’ packages that always have something you don’t want, but never includes the one thing you really need, right?

While most businesses do have industry standards and best practices,

  • each business in that industry may not operate identically
  • all businesses are not created equal, or always have the exact needs
  • here are industry-specific nuances that aren’t traditional to or within your business


Have you declined to invest in a service

because the features or benefits didn’t quite fit your needs? 


Wouldn’t you rather have the choice to curate the level of service that fits your business?

To #OwnYourZone and optimize your genius, you must have the right tools for the job!

My zones of genius are:





 As a creative and multi-passionate, I’m well-rounded with a respectable bench of skills:

  • SOPs
  • Business Blueprint Mapping
  • Calendar / Scheduler setups
  • Payment Processor setups
  • VIP Days
  • Digital Asset Creation
  • Email Sequence Automation
  • Platform and Profile setups
  • Technology Support
  • Implementation
  • Brainstorm Sessions
  • Mind-Mapping Sessions
  • Strategy Sessions
  • Workflow and Automation
  • Client Journey Road-Mapping

 It’s like a smorgasbord where you can create the meal that will sustain your business!

At this point, I’m sure you’re thinking: okay…but how’s that gonna work for what I got goin’ on?

Sample Package Ideas

(four-figure minimum investment based on scope of project)


Calendar / Scheduler Setup

  • Appointment types
  • Email templates, workflows and automations (confirm, remind, cancel, no-show, etc.)
  • Scheduler page / link
  • Scheduler page embed
  • Connect / link forms

Launch Prep

  • Product / service / course / program / event
  • Platform dashboard setup
  • Payment processor and payment plans setup
  • Email workflows and / or automations
  • Populate digital assets (docs, videos, etc.)
  • Landing page (waitlist / pre-sale)
  • Registration page


  • Operations
  • Business blueprint
  • Client journey roadmap
  • Digital assets


  • Digital asset manipulation (Canva)
  • Fillable PDFs
  • Branded workbooks / playbooks
  • Customized digital planners / journals

Live Virtual Event Support

  • Human chatbot (me!) for audience engagement
  • Link and digital asset collection
  • Digital deliverables
  • Registration setup
  • Test-run for equipment
  • Post-event debrief

Digital Planners and Journals

  • Google Hyperlinked Calendars
  • Notebooks
  • Journals
  • Planners
  • Brain Dump Books

Take a radical approach to cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all packages…and build your own solution!

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